Welcome to the launch of the Selah blog! I’m humbled that the Lord has taken a tiny vision and exploded it into far more than I would have fathomed. Selah was born out of a passion for young girls getting ready to venture into college and beyond, and the desire I have to see these girls love Jesus and find their fulfillment in them. So much of my own personal story and testimony go into this passion and desire and I pray that the Lord would take my story of brokenness to bring healing to someone else.
There is so much in our world today that begs for our attention. Media feeds us lie after lie about how our happiness should depend upon our dress size, our house size, or our bank account size. We are bombarded with commercials about makeup that take away wrinkles and alcohol that makes life more fun. We are tempted daily to move our eyes off of Jesus and onto other things. Other things that might satisfy for the moment but that always end up making us crave something more.
In John 4 a Samaritan woman meets Jesus. She’s coming to the well in the heat of the day and Jesus asks for a drink. The woman is perplexed because Jews and Samaritan’s don’t mix. Jesus tells her, “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, ‘give Me a drink,’ you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water.” (v.10) Jesus then calls out her sin. She’s had 5 husbands and the man she was currently living with wasn’t even her husband. She was craving something, and obviously the need wasn’t being met my men. Here she is, vulnerable in front of Jesus with her sin exposed. Jesus offers her the living water. Water that will quench her thirst forever. More relationships, more money, more alcohol, more clothes, more status... these things don’t satisfy. You’ll return to them over and over and over again wanting more, needing more because they don’t give eternal satisfaction. You were not made to be satisfied in anything other than Jesus.
As you leave high school and enter into college you’ll be tempted daily (and I mean DAILY) to find satisfaction in everything but Jesus. But, sister, you’ll be thirsty each time. Nothing will satisfy us like Jesus.
My heart behind Selah is that you would come and spend an afternoon vulnerable before Jesus. That you would come thirsty for a drink that only He gives. My prayer is that Selah would give you the opportunity to learn more about what it means to follow Jesus and find worth, satisfaction, and JOY in Him. My desire is that Jesus would be glorified and you would leave loving Him more and having a deeper desire to love Him and serve Him.
Will you join us? We’ve got incredible things in store for Selah! Go check out our different pages and learn more about this event. If you click on the “event” page you’ll see a sign-up form! I can’t wait to see you on February 28th. :)
Let’s pause and reflect.
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